Choose Molecular Hydrogen to Protect Against Inflammatory Diseases
Modern medicine does not have a game plan as yet to treat those diseases that are slowly developing in the body but are as yet pre-symptomatic (also known as mibyou) [1]. It is of great interest among scientists and researchers to find methods or cures to treat and prevent the onset of these diseases in […]
Effects of Molecular Hydrogen on Asthma Recovery: A Brief Note
India has 34.3 million asthmatics. This figure is approximately 12.9% of the global 262 million cases. Most of these people often do not receive the right medication, nor is their condition managed properly. While there is no permanent cure for asthma, there are medicines available that need to be used lifelong. However, if one understands […]
The Role Molecular Hydrogen Plays in Fitness and Sports
Being an athlete is not an easy game. Daily training and intense exercises are part and parcel of the process of pushing one’s body to the limit. Moreover, one needs to be physically fit and bounce back from various injuries and fatigue to continue in the chosen sport. One of the common problems associated with […]
Which Is the Best Way to Consume Molecular Hydrogen?
Molecular hydrogen is a colourless, tasteless, and odourless gas. In 2007, a study was published which showed that the inhalation of hydrogen decreased oxidative stress and suppressed brain injury caused by ischemia and reperfusion injury in rats (this is damage caused to any tissue when blood returns to it after a period of oxygen-less-ness).1 Since […]
Prevent Metabolic Syndrome with Molecular Hydrogen
Molecular hydrogen, in the form of hydrogenated water, saline or gas, has some of the strongest selective antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties ever!1 Hence, people consume H2 for wellness to fight against oxidative stress (damage caused to the body by free radicals). Oxidative stress is a major player in many prominent health conditions, including the subject […]
Role of H2 in Slowing Down the Onset of Rheumatoid Arthritis
Rheumatoid arthritis is known to affect 1% of the entire global population, affecting females more than males. This autoimmune disease occurs in people between 30-55 years of age and is characterised by irreversible joint damage and destruction to bone and cartilage. [1] While rheumatoid arthritis is very painful, if the disease progresses, it can increase a […]
Explore the Role of Molecular Hydrogen As An Anti Ageing Product
“Ageing is not one process. It’s many different things going on that cause us to age.” Ray Kurzweil Ageing is a physiological process where an organism’s functional reserve declines. It is without doubt a phenomenon that occurs worldwide and among all living organisms. As one ages, one may be put at risk for some chronic […]
Type 2 Diabetes? Manage with Molecular Hydrogen
Type 2 diabetes affects around 77 million Indians above the age of 18. Known as a silent killer, this is one condition that leads to several other more severe conditions like Chronic Kidney Disease, nerve damage, heart disease etc. Hence, it is important to be careful and manage the diabetic condition lifelong. Firstly, a major […]
Learn About H2 As An Antioxidant And Antiinflammatory Agent
Some people may not have a positive opinion about consuming molecular hydrogen for their overall well-being. They may be on the fence whether the consumption of this novel therapeutic agent is really worthwhile. Perhaps you are among this number! So let’s talk! Consuming hydrogen-rich water is not only beneficial to the human body, it is […]
How Does H2 Work As An Anti-Aging Product?
Who wouldn’t like to be young forever? It’s an interesting possibility that has led to the creation of several beauty creams, products, lotions, etc. by world-renowned companies promising everlasting youth. Frankly, it’s the obsession of this world to stay young forever! Yet, you may believe that there is no scientifically endorsed product to combat the […]