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Choose Molecular Hydrogen to Protect Against Inflammatory Diseases

Modern medicine does not have a game plan as yet to treat those diseases that are slowly developing in the body but are as yet pre-symptomatic (also known as mibyou) [1]. It is of great interest among scientists and researchers to find methods or cures to treat and prevent the onset of these diseases in the pre-symptomatic stage itself.

Among the leading causes of death worldwide are inflammatory diseases like cancer, chronic kidney disease, diabetes, hepatitis, Alzheimer’s, and hypertension. If these diseases could be treated in the pre-symptomatic stage itself, then a lot of relief could be achieved. One of the ways in which one can protect against these “silent killers” is by using molecular hydrogen. In today’s blog, we will tell you how molecular hydrogen can be used to combat these inflammatory diseases.

Molecular hydrogen can be taken in either through inhalation, drinking water with dissolved hydrogen gas, or injection of hydrogen saline.[2]

To get molecular hydrogen, you can use a hydrogen generator for your home which you can buy from Eliteck Hydrogen.

How Does Hydrogen Help Against Inflammatory Diseases?

Inflammatory diseases are those that are produced when the immune system attacks body tissue. Usually, inflammation occurs as the normal response of the body to infection or illness. However, sometimes, the immune system attacks the body’s healthy tissue, which is an undesirable condition.

There are two categories of inflammation: acute and chronic. Some common examples of acute inflammation are external injuries and infections. In this case, the symptoms come about suddenly and last a shorter time duration. Most forms of mibyou are caused by chronic inflammation and are termed as “silent killers”. Molecular hydrogen controls the amount of pro-inflammatory cytokines released which controls chronic inflammation.

The role hydrogen plays in tackling inflammatory diseases is very simple. It stops or reduces the production of inflammatory cells. Hence, molecular hydrogen is a very useful product to combat this problem of excessive oxidative stress (imbalance of free radicals and antioxidants). Inhaling hydrogen is one of the best ways in which you can indiscriminately treat oxidative stress. That’s why investing in a hydrogen generator for the home is a pretty useful step you will take to prevent inflammatory diseases.

Moreover, it is also known that molecular hydrogen selectively scavenges OH radicals. OH radicals have the strongest oxidising power and take part in oxidative stress. Oxidative stress is the process by which the excessive production of ROS (Reactive Oxygen Species) can damage surrounding cells and tissues, including the damage to mitochondria (known as the powerhouse of the cell). This leads to mitochondrial dysfunction which again stimulates the uncontrolled production of ROS by the organelle. Reactive Oxygen Species also known as ROS are some of the free radicals that cause damage to DNA or RNA and are a leading cause of cell death. [1]

Molecular hydrogen reduces OH into water molecules, inhibiting damage to mitochondria via the oxidative stress and prevents dysfunction of the mitochondria. In this manner, molecular hydrogen acts as a protective agent.

Stress not! Molecular hydrogen is safe for Consumption

Research indicates that hydrogen rich water is portable, safe and very easily administered. Typically, molecular hydrogen is difficult to dissolve in water, however, in 2009, Japan solved this problem and produced hydrogen-rich water. In 2012, the sales of hydrogen-rich water reached 20 billion yen which goes to show the trust that several people have reposed in hydrogen-rich water. As hydrogen water (HW) is safe for consumption, the concentration as such does not matter.

So, get your dose of molecular hydrogen today with Eliteck Hydrogen’s Elicare electrolyser product.

Top Features of Eliteck Hydrogen’s Elicare Electrolyzer

Here are some of the more notable features of this electrolyzer.

  • It’s a patented product with patent number 201831023702 applied on 26/06/2018.
  • We are the original manufacturer and the product is made entirely in India.
  • The machine is scientifically tested and has completed Phase II trial.
  • It does not store hydrogen so there is no chance of explosion.
  • The product follows all safety precautions and measures.


In conclusion, we would like to mention that inhaling molecular hydrogen produced by a hydrogen generator for home is pretty useful to combat several inflammatory diseases. A lot of research is still being conducted to prove this conclusively, however, there is research that exists to corroborate the fact that molecular hydrogen is good for health. Moreover, hydrogen is non-toxic at high concentrations. [4]

Inhaling hydrogen has a machine gun effect instead of the shotgun effect of modern medicine. This means that inhaling hydrogen can cause inflammation to slow down in every part of the body, not some specific targeted region.

Molecular hydrogen has anti-oxidative, anti-inflammatory, and anti-aging effects as established by research. [6] To learn more about the various use cases of molecular hydrogen you can check out our other blogs.

So, hurry up and take precautions against inflammatory diseases with molecular hydrogen.


1 . https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34281264/

Molecular Hydrogen as a Novel Protective Agent against Pre-Symptomatic Diseases

Haru Yamamoto, Yusuke Ichikawa, Shin-Ichi Hirano, Bunpei Sato, Yoshiyasu Takefuji, Fumitake Satoh

PMID: 34281264 PMCID: PMC8268741 DOI: 10.3390/ijms22137211

2. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8721893/#:~:text=Immunomodulatory%20function%20of%20hydrogen%20on,the%20imbalance%20can%20be%20redressed.

Hydrogen, a Novel Therapeutic Molecule, Regulates Oxidative Stress, Inflammation, and Apoptosis

Yan Tian, Yafang Zhang, Yu Wang, Yunxi Chen, Weiping Fan, Jianjun Zhou, Jing Qiao, and Youzhen Wei

PMID: 34987419 PMCID: PMC8721893 doi: 10.3389/fphys.2021.789507

3. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5731988/

Molecular hydrogen: a preventive and therapeutic medical gas for various diseases

Li Ge, Ming Yang, Na-Na Yang, Xin-Xin Yin, and Wen-Gang Song

PMID: 29254278 PMCID: PMC5731988 doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.21130

4. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28217294/

Molecular hydrogen: a therapeutic antioxidant and beyond

Lei Huang

PMID: 28217294 PMCID: PMC5223313 DOI: 10.4103/2045-9912.196904

5. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31057105/

Therapeutic Efficacy of Molecular Hydrogen: A New Mechanistic Insight

Toru Ishibashi

PMID: 31057105 PMCID: PMC6806612 DOI: 10.2174/1381612825666190506123038

6. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8861563/#:~:text=Molecular%20hydrogen%20exerts%20biological%20effects,to%20various%20harmful%20environmental%20irritants.

Molecular hydrogen is a promising therapeutic agent for pulmonary disease

Zhiling FU, Jin ZHANG

PMCID: PMC8861563 PMID: 35187885 doi: 10.1631/jzus.B2100420


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