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How Does H2 Work As An Anti-Aging Product?

Who wouldn’t like to be young forever?

It’s an interesting possibility that has led to the creation of several beauty creams, products, lotions, etc. by world-renowned companies promising everlasting youth. Frankly, it’s the obsession of this world to stay young forever!

Yet, you may believe that there is no scientifically endorsed product to combat the signs of ageing. You are very wrong. Let us introduce you to one such product that is not only useful in its own right but also has properties as an anti-ageing product.

Molecular hydrogen is well-known as an antioxidant and an anti-inflammatory agent. It helps to reduce mitochondrial dysfunction in cells as well. These are three significant markers among others that need to be addressed if ageing is to be tackled. H2 as an anti-aging product is an exciting and interesting agent, which we will look at in depth in this blog episode.

  • H2 as an Antioxidative Agent1

At the outset it should be mentioned that molecular hydrogen is a very strong antioxidative agent. Also, it is a selective antioxidant, in that it scavenges or neutralises particular free radicals.

Free radicals are those by-products of chemical reactions that have a free electron in their chemical structure which can either be a molecule, an atom or an ion. Having this free electron in the chemical structure means that free radicals are quick to react with other compounds, and to cut a long story short, these free radicals play an important role in destroying lipids, proteins, and sometimes even DNA in the body.

Molecular hydrogen, however, neutralises (OH-), (ONOO-), two very powerful free radicals and acts as a powerful antioxidant.

The presence of excess free radicals causes oxidative stress which is a contributing factor to ageing. So, to tackle the problem of ageing, one needs to consume a powerful antioxidant. Consuming an antioxidant will help to neutralise the free radicals and its damaging effects. So, choose to consume molecular hydrogen and combat the harmful effects of oxidative stress which lead to ageing.

H2 as an antiaging

  • H2 as an Anti-inflammatory Agent

Inflammation is the response of the immune system of a body to any irritant. However, chronic and persistent inflammation leads to ageing-related diseases and ageing.

Molecular hydrogen, however, reduces the release of pro-inflammatory cytokines and infiltration of macrophages and neutrophils to a great extent, combating the inflammation process.

Inflammation is a prominent factor in the ageing process. Molecular hydrogen’s strong anti-inflammatory properties means that it is the perfect antidote to the “inflamm-ageing” pathway. H2 as an anti-aging product is therefore very useful to the body.

  • H2 as an Protective Agent for Mitochondria

Mitochondria is that part of the cell that is responsible for producing the ATP energy that is necessary for cells to function and a person to live. The dysfunction of the mitochondria is one of the prominent causes of ageing.

Molecular hydrogen, however, prevents mitochondrial oxidative stress and helps the mitochondria to function properly, thereby tackling ageing.

These are three significant causes of ageing that molecular hydrogen effectively targets. Choose to consume molecular hydrogen today and tackle the problem of ageing. But how will you consume molecular hydrogen in a simple and safe manner? Learn more below!

Important Features of Eliteck Hydrogen’s Elicare Electrolyzer

Given the benefits of molecular hydrogen as an antioxidative, antiinflammatory agent you may be interested in a product that safely produces the gas for consumption.

We have just the ANSWER!

  • Here are some of the more notable features of our electrolyzer.
  • It’s a patented product with patent number 201831023702 applied on 26/06/2018.
  • We are the original manufacturer and the product is made entirely in India.
  • The machine is scientifically tested and has completed Phase II trials.
  • It does not store hydrogen so there is no chance of explosion.
  • The product follows all safety precautions and measures.

If you are looking to consume molecular hydrogen for your overall well-being including tackling the problems of ageing choose Elicare Electrolyzer as the product is safe to consume and perfectly harmless to keep at home.

Wrapping Up

Molecular hydrogen is safe to consume. H2 as an anti-aging product is taking off and you can join in to reap the benefits. Protect your body from the inside and help it to tackle the causes of ageing quite effectively.

How can you consume molecular hydrogen? You can consume it by drinking hydrogen-rich water or by inhaling the same. These are the two best methods of consuming the gas. Eliteck’s hydrogen generator kit is perfect for the safe production of the gas and consequent consumption.

Let’s think about the collective human desire to not age externally and internally. Molecular hydrogen is that novel and therapeutic agent which may help us in this endeavour. To improve your overall health and well-being, invest in a molecular hydrogen generation kit and consume hydrogen regularly to avail of the best benefits.


Reference Links:
1 . https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35340218/

Role of Molecular Hydrogen in Ageing and Ageing-Related Diseases

Zhiling Fu, Jin Zhang, Yan Zhang

PMID: 35340218 PMCID: PMC8956398 DOI: 10.1155/2022/2249749


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